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Narin Oz.jpg

Absurdly Deadpan &

deeply sardonic. 

I create absurd characters in surreal worlds because I've been told to write stories about my Turkish Cypriot Essex roots.   

   FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @narinofoz 

"Visceral, visually funny

 & deeply heartfelt”,

-Nick Awde, The Stage

“The imagined child of Andy Kaufman

and a supermodel,

Narin Oz is a beautiful comic genius”, -Martin Walker, Fringe Pig

"Comedy Genius or someone who should be sectioned", -Erkan Mustafa 

My character Oz on CH4 Girls Go Trolling written & performed by me, Narin Özenci

Actress - Comedian - Writer - Eccentrically deadpan

Narin ​ÖZENCi

People's quotes about me

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